Are we haunted?

Ghostly goings-on at The Old Vicarage
Rumour has it, that here at the Old Vicarage Hotel, guests have experienced paranormal activity.
Some of our guests have described the following:
With reference to our recent stay in room 8 and our brief conversation in the garden as we were leaving.
Well.. Where to start had no idea of the haunted history! And look forward to the discovery documentary.
I had a few experiences during our stay had a chat with a soldier? Dressed in red and white, tall 6ft plus, a pleasant fellow, showed me his uniform, also two children in the bedroom wanted to play with me, and from my recall a lady dressed in blue, who I asked if I could touch to see if she was real!
My hand did not dissappear through her, she appeared very solid and her clothing was like crepe and fine lace.
No negative feelings all positive.Regards
Psychic Medium
Paranormal Report
On the 11th of April a paranormal report was carried out. These are their findings.
Filming by Guy Gilbert
Rachel: In the back garden, Rachel picked up a ‘naughty’ man who boosted about a murder he got away with.
The name Richard with a connection to the Church.
1372: Richard Hyntilsham was a tenant
1387: Richard Furnor and John Wynd (chaplins) were given building 2.
This could be something to follow up on.
She also talked about crowds outside, but no idea for what reason.
Colin: He picked up on a monk and a woman with a child, but from different time periods.
Red Room / Reception
Rachel: Woman and child, old soldier, maybe Cromwell era, wearing dark clothing.
Names Edward and Mary.
A nanny, wearing period dress, lots of children about and holding a baby.
Another lady by the door, wearing dark clothing and a bonnet.
Colin: A darkness by the door, a man connected to the property.
The stairs going up to the first lot of bedrooms above reception.
Colin: Someone pushed down the stairs, male or female.
Room 4
Colin: Headache as soon as he entered the room.
Room 2
Rachel: Does not like this room.
Colin: Feels oppressive, connected to the fall on the stairs, a sense of betrayal.
Room 5
Rachel: Feels a strong male presence. A big man who is telling us to GET OUT!
Upper Restaurant
Colin: Pressure headache.
Main Restaurant
Colin: A man connected to the church, is calling Rachel a witch.
Rachel: Picking up on a meeting place for men only. Also, men in uniform with pikes. Could be civil war?
Also, a drinking house?
A man in black, a Quaker or Puritan.
Room 5
Colin: Nice room, where Colin saw the man looking out of the window from the garden.
Rachel: Picking up on a group of people praying while the sounds of cannon fire is going overhead.
The name James is important.
Room 7
Rachel: Something around a neck. Priest?
Hiding a family, can sense children in the hole, very frightened, connected with the Nanny type lady downstairs, she was beaten around the stomach.
Colin: A Hiding place, which was concealed Priest Hole? Something found in the wall.
Room 6
Colin: Happy in here
Rachel: Not happy here, connected with laughing man from outside.
Top Floor – Room 22
Colin: Says never encountered this type of presence before. Children around 13/14 in age, scared.
School Master? Church school? Or Church Verger. This man abused his power, thinks children should be punished by the Grace of God.
Name John comes to mind.
Can feel his hand being held by a child.
Candy says this was a school at one point.
Room 8
Rachel: Says this is an important room. Could be the School Master’s room, as he looks out to the church, or maybe a Vicar? stands by the telly.
Room 9
Rachel: A woman here, room has been altered. Has children and feels nicer.
Family Room
Colin: Picks up on a male.
Rachel: Feels the man is not nice, also Monmouth rebellion connection.
A female servant who was mistreated badly.
Room 11
Karin: Room feels on a slant.
Colin: A cellar connection, tunnel entrance, man is guarding it. Could be a connection to the priory.
Panel Room
Colin: A Coachman, the panel piece above the fire does not belong there, came from a castle or hunting lodge, which has royal connections.
Also, a man in a top hat, thinks the panelling comes from another place.
Rachel: Religious link, picks up on a man which description could be close to Brunel, but needs more investigation.
Feels this was the drinking inn with a connection to the sea.
Both think Cronwell has a connection, as there are bodyguards around him?
Name Silas or Sirus.
Rachel also picks up on a Jester, connected to the castle.
– end report –
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Join Us for a Paranormal Sleepover at The Old Vicarage Hotel in Bridgwater!
The Old Vicarage Hotel in Bridgwater Excited to announce a special paranormal sleepover event! Join us on Saturday, April 5th, for this exclusive experience! Your